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Boston College - McMullen Museum

In September of 2022, BBC submitted a proposal to perform some work for Boston College at the McMullen Museum of Art. The converted mansion on Commonwealth Avenue also serves as a teaching museum and conference center. BC Alum Peter Lynch (Fidelity Vice-Chairman) has made a large gift to the museum, including a Picasso from his personal art collection, that will be on display. The project included adding wall space, relocating electrical devices, audio-visual equipment, and HVAC T-Stats. The work also included revised lighting controls, partial light fixture replacement, installing a conduit raceway system for a new security system as well as miscellaneous lobby improvements. The work started in January as is nearing completion.

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248 Main Street #103
Reading, MA 01867



2 Puzzle Lane 

Bldg. #2 Unit #3
Newton, NH 03858



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